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Gait & Gait Terminology

What is Gait?


Gait is a term used to describe the way that we walk (human locomotion).


The gait cycle is divided into two phases:


     Stance Phase is the time during which the foot is on the ground it comprises 60% of the gait cycle.


     Swing Phase is the time during which the foot is not in contact with the ground it comprises 40% of the gait cycle.


Basic Gait Terminology

Step Length

Step length is the distance between heel contact on one foot to heel contact of the other foot.


Stride Length

Stride length is the distance between the heel strike of one foot and following heel strike of the same foot.



   Initial Contact

Initial contact is the instantaneous point which occurs when the foot of the advancing limb touches the ground. 

   Loading Response

Loading response is when the foot comes in full contact with the floor and the bodies' weight is fully transferred to the stance limb.


It constitutes the initial period of double-limb support. 


Midstance is the period when the contralateral foot leaves the ground and the bodies' center of mass moves along the length of the foot until it is aligned over the forefoot.

   Terminal Stance

Terminal stance begins when the heel begins to rise the center of mass moves ahead of the forefoot, it ends when the contralateral foot come into contact with the ground.  


Preswing is the end of the double-limb support phase of the gait cycle.


During this phase of the gait cycle weight is unloaded off of the stance limb and the bodies' weight is transferred onto the contralateral limb.

   Initial Swing

Initial swing begins when the foot leaves the ground and continues until maximum knee flexion is achieved.


The swing phase limb will be under the body and opposite the stance limb.   


Midswing occurs after maximum knee flexion has occurred and ends when the tibia is vertical to the ground.


Several critical events occur during this phase including limb advancement and foot clearance. 

   Terminal Swing

Terminal swing is the termination of the swing phase of gait.


It occurs when the tibia passes beyond vertical and the knee is fully extended in preparation for initial contact.    

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